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New to AdWords?
Wondering if it will work for your business?
Concerned about overspending to find out?
Not sure your about the Effectiveness of your website or sales funnel?
We have created a New Service just for you!
There are several reasons why a new AdWords campaign may not work for you. And they may surprise you! Because most of them aren’t about AdWords at all!
Common Reasons for AdWords “Failures”:
Ineffective Sales Funnel
Poor Website Design or Navigation
Message to Market Mis-Match (not understanding your markets’ needs)
Competitors with Higher Visitor Values
Choice of Target Market
Bad AdWords account setup
We have put together a cost effective system to help you find out if it can work right away. And if not, where should you focus your time and budget to ensure future success?
The Website Reality Check is perfect for business that are
New to online advertising or paid search
Launching a new web site or a new product or service
What is it?
A Feasibility Study of your Website, Your Sales Funnel and your Value Proposition. We create an extremely targeted campaign designed to test your Online Sales Process and deliver REAL DATA about your market, your sales funnel and your value proposition.
Features of the Test
Visitors to Your Website from 1-3 very targeted keywords
Conversion Tracking*
Google Analytics tracking*
Results of the Test
How many people are searching for your product or service?
How competitive is the market?
What is going to cost to advertise in this market?
How does your website handle this extremely targeted traffic?
Approximately $50-200 in Google AdWords Fees. Includes a $100 credit* provided by Google to share with our clients.
Each industry has different average costs for Google AdWords search terms. In order to help you make an informed decision about your website and your future online marketing investment, we need to bring approximately 100 visitors to your site to test their interest. The Google AdWords investment is dependent on the average cost
*Our team will generate conversion tracking code and analytics code to be installed on your site. Your web developer installs the code.
The test shows some conversions from the initial visitors – indicating areas and strategies to expand on for the future.
B. No Conversions
The test shows no conversions from the initial visitors – indicating more work is required on your sales funnel before you invest any more money into Adwords traffic.
C. Inconclusive/Needs More data
In highly competitive industries, when the Cost Per Click is high, the investment in traffic will need to be higher in order to reach a minimum data set.